About Us

Jumpmaster, a side-project of


No one does not like pranking people right? We know you do! GoDotWebs was originally called SimpleWebs, which has two side-projects associated with it. One of them was called Jumpmaster, which is what you see now, well, technically not. It was an open-source jumpscare website with packed files, unlike now with an editor. The website gained some traction and you guys actually interested in it. So, now, GoDotWebs renovated the project and it will become only better, not worse.

This website will help us gain experience to enhance our business development path. Associated with back-end database structure handling, we can apply the same technique, if not even better, to our systems. Additionally, we are going to use this opportunity as a practice of having a more in-depth look at SEO. Overall, all data generated on this website will help us carve an extraordinary path toward better service provision.

We originated in Hong Kong, and we're gathered on the internet. The internet connected us — The GoDotWebs Team. No matter your race, or your country, we only put our sight on ability. "Serve the best" isn't built with nonsense.

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Independent Web Developer

Salutations, my official name is Ricky Chan. But I prefer you call me Red or Ricky, it just sounds better. I have been an independent web developer for years, along with the role of freelancer. I created GoDotWebs by myself and have also been running it by myself. I know, you will see a lot of "we" on the official website. But trust me, it's all myself, it just sounds more professional. I call myself "The Forgotten One" because perhaps nobody understands what I am doing or actually knows what I am doing, only a few of them I guess. I've created GoDotWebs, got some clients, earned a tiny bitty of profit, and currently hoping to carve a better path because I am actually so young that you probably can't imagine how old I am by the time I was writing this thing.

Anyway, consider buying me a coffee because I sorta need it to feed energy to myself. Thank you.

I've been a part of the internet for at least 8 years. I've learned lessons over lessons; I've tried things over things. Websites are very crucial to the internet, and so do you. One of the most important things I've learned on the internet is how to create impeccable websites and connect various people.

The internet brought me a self-learning opportunity to learn everything from zero to hero and to provide extraordinary service to you with my real experiences.


Founder of GoDotWebs